Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Avoid the world's destructive habit - WORRY.

Enjoy the greatest joy - GIVING.

Avoid the greatest loss - LOSING SELF-RESPECT.

Enjoy the most satisfying work - HELPING OTHERS.

Avoid the ugliest personality trait - SELFISHNESS.

Pray we don't loss the most endangered species - DEDICATED LEADERS.

Fight for the greatest natural resource - THE YOUTH.

Give the greatest shot in the arm - ENCOURAGEMENT.

Avoid the greatest problem to overcome - FEAR.

Use the most effective slipping pill - PEACE OF MIND.

Avoid the most crippling disease - EXCUSES.

Enjoy the most perpetual force in life - LOVE.

Avoid the most dangerous pariah - A GOSSIPER.

Use the most incredible computer - THE HUMAN BRAIN.

The worst thing to be without - HOPE.

Avoid using the deadliest weapon - THE TONGUE.

Use the most powerful words - I CAN.

Use the greatest asset - FAITH.

Avoid the most worthless emotion - SELF PITY.

Always wear your beautiful attire - YOUR SMILE.

Guard your most prized possession - INTEGRITY.

Use the most powerful channel of communication - PRAYER.

Share your most contagious spirit - ENTHUSIASM.

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"How to become teachable" 

#POWER Proverbs 1:7- The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instructions. 1. Passion to learn   ...