KASINTORN ACADEMYThat is the name of my school wherein I'm working for more than 3 years up to the present. I started in this education family last March 4, 2005. Hard at first because we were needed to make seven (7) lesson plans with extra worksheets for a day and our super industrious foreign boss edited them twice.....so really WHAT A WORK! Take note, I and my Filipino co-workers (Bhing and Tristan) my closest friends stayed inside the computer lab....! That was only for a month because we're asked to teach for April summer class. I taught P2 - P3 Regular class for the first time composed of seven students. That makes my life a bit busy and enjoying.
School year 2005 - 2006, I taught Secondary 1 Pixies Intensive and Thai -Elves with Mathematics and English-Grammar subjects. While sy 2006 - 2007, I'd been with S1 and S2 Pixies and Thai-Elves students. I had a very memorable and challenging experiences this 2007 - 2008.I loved my kids really.I really enjoyed all of my time with my K3 students.
I have a lot of Filipino friends in school. These include: Bhing, Tristan, Datdat, Merium, Lotlot, Josh, Ate Mina, Rence, Chris, Kath, Maizie, Elena, Jeizl, Jinky and Ate Linda. They are very supportive and friendly in their own little way. I enjoy their company really. At times, I'm reminiscing the times that we have a little quarrel. But it subsides so easily.....WHAT A COMPANY!!!!!